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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Marvel-ous mosaics

I'm not sure who made all of these Marvel mosaics that were on display at Emerald City Comic-Con. The Spidey one was by Josh Wedin, so I assume the others are by him or one of his fellow SEALUG members.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Batman Returns

Tim Lydy made this rendition of the Batman Returns movie poster. BTW, I'm tagging this as 'cover' because I think recreating a movie poster is a similar challenge to recreating a comic cover.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gotham Theater Showdown

Paul Heatherington built this awesome Joker vs Batman scene that was on display at the recent Bricks Cascade gathering. It looks like it won an award, but I can't read what the award is. This MOC is not yet in Paul's photostream, so you will probably want to check back there in a week or so to see more pictures.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

He-Man VS Skeletor

He-Man VS Skeletor by Kevin Ryhal. I was equivocating on whether or not this 'counts' as a comic MOC, since I really see this as the 80's cartoon, but DC has an ongoing series (and there was apparently a previous run in Marvel), and this is such a cool MOC. That said, I'm not going to turn this into a Star Wars blog just because there have been Star Wars comic lines.